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Operational planning and improvement

We play a key role in refining and developing our clients’ business strategy and developing strategic initiatives and operational plans to assist our clients to successfully implement their overall strategy for their business.


We have a proven track record in providing advice in relation to the following key areas:


Strategy and visioning workshops


We can assist you to review your vision and refresh your strategy to meet your organisation's goals and objectives.  We have the experience and the proven approach to align your strategy and your people to ensure that your organisation's vision is realised.


Operational management budgeting


We can assist you to drive business performance through:


  • developing and preparing budgets and forecasts;

  • establishing performance management frameworks, encompassing the identification of key operational drivers and the monitoring of KPIs;

  • identifying efficiency improvements through benchmarking and assisting with revenue/service development;

  • preparing, understanding and interrogating financial reports;

  • highlighting, illustrating and mitigating risks across organisations; and

  • maintaining and establishing a system of internal controls to audit standard.


Procurement strategy and implementation


We can assist you to develop and execute a procurement strategy that drives maximum efficiency and effectiveness in the procurement function.  Our procurement services include:


  • Procurement leadership including establishing and implementing tender processes;

  • Supplier relations and partnering;

  • Contract negotiations and management; and

  • KPI and performance management.


Members of our team have extensive experience in the above areas including advising:


Aberlea Aged Care

Operational and financial analysis of its current residential aged care facility in Mortlake, Vic.

Western District Health Service

Operational and financial analysis of its home care portfolio and residential aged care facilities throughout Western Victoria.

St. Vincent's Health

Re-structuring advice on its services arrangements with its medical centre practitioners throughout Victoria.


Kyneton District Health

Procurement advice in relation to the provision of diagnostic imaging services at its public hospital in Kyneton, Vic.

Rochester Elmore Health

Procurement advice in relation to the provision of diagnostic imaging services at its public hospital in Rochester, Vic.

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